Portlet Modes In Liferay 7 DXP
Portlet Mode of a Portlet Indicates the function that a portlet performs and generate different content based on the function they perform. Some Specific features are provided in each portlet mode to enhance the accessibility, Each Portlet Mode have its own Portlet Controller Class and Views defined in each specific Portlet mode.
Standard Portlet Modes of JSR-286 Portlet Specification
View Mode
Portlet renders markup text fragment (outcome of view) in view mode, its the most commonly used mode.Edit Mode
Used to change per-user settings to customize rendering in the Portlet, We can use this mode when we want to let the User to perform actions in edit ModeHelp Mode
Used to display helpful information to the end User, Usually we can use this mode to give Help information to the user.Additional Liferay portlet modes
About Mode Used to display the information about the Application (portlet) such as Application owner, Author etc.Config
We can use this mode to Configure the Portlet Application for User Personalization and We can Store the User preferences in Portlet Preferences for giving User Specific Application behavior.Edit default
This mode is used when we want to let User to Edit the default configuration and preferences of the Portlet Application.Edit guest
Using This Mode we can let the Guest User to Perform edit operation (function) in the Portlet Application.Preview Mode
We can Use This mode when we want the Ability or the User to Preview the Content or document in the Portlet Application.
Note : Each Mode Must have the Portlet Controller Class and Views Defined for the mode.
Please refer the Portlet specifications for more details.
Understanding the Java Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR 286)
Java Portlet Specification
I Will be covering the implementation of different portlet modes in Liferay 7 DXP in the future posts.