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Liferay 7 Module Projects Using Maven

Maven is a famous Build tool used in Java World to Create, Build and Manage the Projects, An archetype is nothing but a project Template whi...

Syed Ali

Rest Extender and JAX-RS Restful Web Service in Liferay 7 DXP

Rest Extender and JAX-RS Restful Web Service in Liferay 7 Let's us to implement REST Web Service for any table in Liferay's databas...

Syed Ali

Layout In Liferay 7 DXP

Layout in Liferay Lets us define the Grids into the Liferay Page, Which allows us to systematical arrange the portlet applications and c...

Syed Ali

Roles In Liferay 7 DXP

Roles In Liferay Determines what an user can do and what an user can access in the portal, let's have a closer look at the Roles Syst...

Syed Ali

Sites In Liferay 7 DXP

Multi Tenancy of Liferay gives flexibility to host number of sites in a single instance of Liferay Server, lets explore the sites and the...

Syed Ali

Portlet Modes In Liferay 7 DXP

Portlet Mode of a Portlet Indicates the function that a portlet performs and generate different content based on the function they perform....

Syed Ali